Factors Related to the Incidence of Anemia in Pregnant in Women at the Kolaka Health Center and Pomalaa Health Center in Kolaka District


  • Silviani Ardy Sri Rahayu Ningsi Mandala Waluya University, Indonesia
  • Sunarsih Sunarsih Mandala Waluya University, Indonesia
  • Nurmiaty Nurmiaty Ministry of Health Polytechnic Kendari, Indonesia
  • Andi Mauliyana Mandala Waluya University, Indonesia




Anemia, ANC Services, Fe Consumption


Introduction: Anemia in pregnancy is a national problem because it reflects the value of the socio-economic welfare of the community and has a very large influence on the quality of human resources. WHO reports that the prevalence of pregnant women worldwide WHO experience anemia is 41.8%.

Method: The type of research used in this study is a quantitative study,namely a cross-sectional study, the research sample size is 98 people obtained by simple random sampling. The data was processed using the chi-square test.

Result: This study shows that there is a significant relationship between ANC service quality and anemia in pregnant women with a p-value=0.000. There is a relationship between diet and anemia in pregnant with p-value= 0.009. There is a relationship between adherence to consuming Fe tablets with anemia in pregnant with p-value=0.000.

Conclusion: ANC service quality, diet, and Fe consumption compliance have a relationship with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at the Kolaka Public Health Center and Pomalaa Health Center, Kolaka Regency.


