Author Guidelines


General Instructions
An international periodic journal published by the Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Mandala Waluya University. Waluya the International Science of Health Journal covers developments in public health science consisting of epidemiology, environmental health and occupational health, health administration and policy, health promotion, nutrition and reproductive health. This journal invites all scholars and researchers who write on issues related to public health to submit their articles that have never been published in other scientific magazines. Articles can be written in English using good and correct written language rules.
The article is written in manuscript form in MS Word with A4 page size (210 x 297 mm) with a left margin of 25 cm, a top margin of 30 cm, a right margin of 20 cm, and a bottom margin of 20 cm. The article is written in single-column format with a simple text layout Possible. It is recommended to only use the writing facilities provided in MS Word (bold, italics, subscript, superscript, equation, etc.) and not use other facilities that are not available in MS Word (embedded graphic design, embedded symbols, embedded equations, etc.). All parts of the text in the manuscript are written following the template.

Special Instructions
The manuscript begins with the title, author's name, author's address, abstract and key words, followed by a content section consisting of introduction, research methods, results and discussion (figures and tables), conclusion. List of Notations (if any) and Bibliography. In writing manuscripts, figures and tables are presented together with the text in the contents section, accompanied by serial numbers and names of figures and tables. The serial number and image name are written at the top of the image, while the table number and table name are written at the top of the table. Please ensure that the quality and size of the images presented are large enough to produce good print quality. This will make it easier for the editor to edit and format the writing later.

1. Title, Author's Name, Author's Address, Corresponding Author
a. The title of the article is written concisely but informatively. It is recommended not to use abbreviations and formulas that are not widely known.
b. The names of all authors are written below the article title in full but without title. At the end of each name a superscript number is given to identify the author's address. Apart from that, it is also necessary to identify the author responsible for the correspondence.
c. The author's address is written below all author names starting with the sequence of superscript numbers that correspond to each author's name.
d. The correspondence address is written in the foot-note section on the page containing the author's name. In the form of a clear email address.

2. Abstract and Key Words
a. The abstract is written concisely; contains the aims/objectives, results and conclusions that you want to highlight. Maximum abstract length is 250 words. It is recommended that abstracts do not contain abbreviations or formulas that are not widely known.
b. Directly next to the abstract text, write the appropriate selected keywords, each separated by a comma (,).
c. The abstract and key words are written in English respectively.

3. Introduction
In the introductory section, the background of the research/writing is presented, a brief literature review which explains the state of the art of the research and the objectives of the research/writing.

4. Research Methods (Model Development)
In this section, the materials used in the research are presented. It is necessary to convey in sufficient detail the research methods used to ensure that the results obtained can be repeated or reproduced. If the submitted manuscript is a model development, it is necessary to provide a description of the proposed model and how the model was evaluated or used.

5. Results and Discussion
In this section, the research results (model development) obtained systematically and constructively are presented, accompanied by a comprehensive discussion that supports the research objectives and strengthens the conclusions. Even though some research results are presented in the form of tables or figures, the tables or figures in question are inserted between the text.

6. Conclusion
This section briefly presents the main conclusions from the results obtained.

7. Reference writing
The bibliography section contains references to quotations in the introduction and previous results, in the following format:
a. Endnotes are special notes placed at the end of an article. The endnote uses Times Roman font size 11 point. Endnote numbering uses regular numbers, and sequentially within one article with 6pt spacing.
b. The example listed here is writing a Reference List for sources in the form of: (1) articles in a collection of papers; (2) articles in journals; (3) articles from a website on the internet; (4) books; (5) articles in seminar proceedings; (6) translated books; (7) articles from online conferences taken from the internet. Example:
1. Green LW, Kreuter MW.Health education planning: Mayfield Pub. Co.; 1991.
2. Salazar LF, Crosby RA,DiClemente RJ. Research methods in health promotion: John Wiley & Sons; 2015.
3. Moeller DW.environmental health: Harvard University Press; 2011.

Article Loading
Manuscripts, in MS Word format, which have been written in accordance with the provisions above are submitted on the official website of the Waluya journal The International Science Of Health Journal at Apart from that, please also attach the Corresponding Author's Personal Data which includes the author's name (complete with academic degree), work agency, correspondence address, e-mail address, in accordance with the previous journal template.
Manuscripts that have been accepted by the Journal editorial team will go through a review process by the Editorial Board. By considering the results of the review, the editor has the full right to accept or reject a manuscript for publication.

Master of Public Health Study Program
Faculty of Health Sciences, Mandala Waluya University
Jl. Jend. AH. Nasution, Kambu, District. Kambu, Kendari City,
Southeast Sulawesi 93561, Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]